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Ghamdan, Wellness Coach

Ghamdan, Wellness Coach

I am on a mission to transform lives through personalised wellness coaching and support. I help people discover wellness and the power of possibility to live a better life and achieve a healthy lifestyle by supporting them in reaching their wellness goals and making sustainable lifestyle changes.

High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training

For fitness enthusiasts and wellness advocates, HIIT is already a household name. It has earned its reputation in the wellness industry as an integral part of training, even conditioning for professional athletes. It’s only right to dig into its layers,…

Detoxing: What You Need to Know

Detoxing: What You Need to Know

There’re a lot of misconceptions regarding the concept of detoxing the body. First of all, the body already possesses organs that can eliminate toxins within. Organs capable of detoxing the body include the liver, kidneys, digestive system, lungs, and skin.…

How to Sleep Better

How to Sleep Better

This might come very strange, but, sleep seems to be very glamorous for your overall wellbeing. It can do wonders on how your body can recover and repair itself. Pretty sure you haven’t missed a single article tackling health and…

How to Manage Stress

How to Manage Stress

If there’s one thing that anyone can’t avoid, and comes unexpectedly most of the time, it is stress. Countless individuals would agree that this state of mind is the most nerve- wracking, uncomfortable, and definitely not the best place to…

What is Mental Health?

What is Mental Health?

Pretty sure no one will disagree with the statement, “mental health is equally valuable than physical health”. The Center of Diseases Control and Prevention or CDC even dismantled the term mental health into 3 components specifically: Sounds complicated? Well, put…

Green Tea Benefits

Green Tea Benefits

Green tea is a healthy beverage that has been favoured by the ancients for thousands of years. It has gained some mainstream attention recently, many thanks to the high praises of Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, and Lady Gaga (to name…